CMH4HH - Gameboy Catnip Kicker

CMH4HH - Gameboy Catnip Kicker

$20.00 - $36.00

Made these ridiculous Gameboy Catnip Kickers for the December 2024 "Cat Man's Home for Haggard Hoodcats" monthly mail club, and made a few extra for the shop!

I even went so far as to produce a CMH4HH Gameboy game that is a little mini-version of my house/studio with cats that you can interact with that meow, hiss, and purr... it's ridiculous, check out a video of that here on IG.

Each toy has the 'Main Menu' screen on one side, and then either the 'Media Room' with the turntables and video games, or the 'Studio Room' with the music gear on the other! Which one will you get?! It's random, left to the catnip gods to decide, unless you get a Two Pack Pair that is!

If you want to receive cool catnip toys for your cat and stickers for you every month, sign up for Booty's Catnip Club as part of the Cat Man's Home for Haggard Hoodcats on Patreon

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CMH4HH - Footlong Garfman Kicker
"Booty's Blunts" Catnip Two-Pack
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